Saturday, February 03, 2007

Suddenly alive

Yesterday Andreas Tilliander aka Mokira, Rechord, Komp and Lowfour played at the filmfestival tent. I was there and echecked it out. I'm not 100% familliar with all his material so I'm not sure about this, but; it sounded like a lot of new stuff. It was very acidalicious and twisted. Overall it was a nice concert with good atmosphere.
The day before that with Play paul and all was cool too, very party music.

Tonight, maybe Pluxus if I don't fall asleep..

Andreas Tilliander - Love me like I do [Pluxemburg, 2004]

Mokira - Ease
[Filippa K, 2006]
This is funny.. The swedish fashion brand
Filippa K released this 8-track CD (all bundled up into one big file in the link).

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