Thursday, February 01, 2007


Not too much effort behind this posting either...

Tonight I'm going to (elektriska) Svanen@Jazzhuset to see monsieur Play paul play (and a friend dj in the other room). Yeah, okay.

Tractile - Stay out [M_nus, 2006] (buy)
Silent Movie EP. M_nus style (real) minimal techno.

It - Women in toilets [Electro-choc, 2007] (buy)
Bizarre title, but decent techno music from Stefan Manceau and Georges Flachon.


  1. Anonymous18:54

    mm tractile, smootooth - keep em coming. I hope you've heard the new Gui Buratto album (figuring you got Damero pretty earily you probably have). If you haven't, send us a mail. It's truly the work of a master.

  2. Nope, haven't heard it yet. I'm anxious to do so though, Gui is a favourite. Cheers, thanks for the heads up.
