Saturday, February 24, 2007


Not too many posts ago I was undecided about attending a Databahn+Effektverket night with vcs2600 live etc (@ pustervik). Anyway I ended up not going (for various reasons). This is what I missed:

Faceless mind live at databahn 07-02-08 part 1
Faceless mind live at databahn 07-02-08 part 2
Faceless mind live at databahn 07-02-08 part 3

VCS2600 live at databahn 07-02-08 part 1
VCS2600 live at databahn 07-02-08 part 2

ARGH! This most definetly seals the deal, I can't miss
the next one (march 8)...
Today (saturday) I shall go to Midnight Express to make up for it atleast a bit, my mind needs evil, retarded, primitive, advanced, complex, scientific, harsh, wonky, bleepy, electro beats.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:35

    hoppas du kommer nästa gång!
