Saturday, January 12, 2008

October in January

Ben Klock - October [BPitch, 2008] (d/l)
Allien's imprint launches the brand new year known as 2008 with Ben Klock's October twelve. Massive stomping brute of a release. The a-side is all blocky and chunky drums, not too heavy, but nicely crude sounding. The groove soon settles and it is hard not to nod your head or move your legs to this one as it continues to shake itself into a feverishly tight rhythm. When the quiet melody fades in, it all makes sense and this fresh track comes full circle. On the other side we have another grim tune, slightly more on the evil side. Stripped down, percussion style, Similarity foresees a dark future. Impressive, Klock! I am sorry to say I haven't followed this producer much, seems I have to pick up the slack. BPitch Control off on a great '08 start, keep em coming.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous08:13

    Hit the nail on the head, Skypher. Ben Klock definitely has a worthy back catalog. His work with Marcel Dettmann is of special note, as is his Klockworks series. I haven't heard enough of his BPitch stuff.
