We cant simply keep up with all the releases here at RC it would be impossible.
Some times we might write a draft out and then totally forget about it.
Until now that is, with 2007 nearly at an end we have some music that we didn't have time to post.
Its both old and new if you class 6 months as old and less than a month as new.
Call it a catch up, its mainy of the Dubstep variety / experimental / techno.
Some dark beats for these cold & dark nights.
Another reason is i need more room in my folder but I'm a hoarder and i cant bring myself to delete music so i would rather see it go to a good home than be sent to the big recycle bin in the sky...
Don't sleep on these tracks.
Distance - 'Fallen' - (Vexd remix)
Pole - 'Achterbahn' - (Shackleton remix)
Vaccine - 'Wishful Thinking'
Appleblim - 'Vansan'
oh chyeah, shackleton remix...thanks so much! still digesting that 'hustler' remix...don't know about you but that one track throws the entire chain reaction back catalogue into question for me. but hey, i'm just another hyperbolic blogger. you're feeling that vacinne? dunno about her, a little too moody, dense, and unfocused for my taste. thanks for the goodies!