This is without doubt my favourite release on Upon.You A label set up by Marco Resmann aka Phage and also a part time member of Pan-Pot.
Traffic circle is so stylish and cool its definitely what I'm feeling at the moment its dark but house orientated at the same time its that late night /early morning after party sound.
It starts of with a haunting cry of a woman and her baby in comes the thud of the zig zagging drums as it starts to slowly build.
The background noises stay ambient but iree.
In comes the piano building and building, more atmospherics in the background give it a haunting stripped back feeling.
The keys from the piano eventually get so violent that they explode bringing you crashing back down to the earth only to start all over again.
This is going to destroy clubs on a large system the outcome will be fantastic, drop this in your set and its going to get a good reaction.
joe this track is fucking mental man im playing this bad boy at the weekend remember to bring your cdrs