Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Slave To The Vibe

The master of the remix is once again gracing our blog. He really mustn't get much sleep hence the "no sleep" project. Bringing out remix after remix running a label REKIDS and finding time to go on tour! But somehow he manages to find the time.
Not only does he find time to do all this, but he finds the time to make consistently excellent records and remixes as he goes, never failing or disappointing. His latest is a remix from Scottish duo Slam who are also co founders of the ever excellent Soma Quality Recordings.
Mr Edwards has taken the smash hit from earlier this year Azure and stripped it right down using the bare minimal. Basically its a driving tambourine and the most luscious string arrangement your going to hear this year, Whilst all this is making your ear buds dance about with delight, there's a sort of calm but eerie whistling in the background adding that extra bit of sparkle.
Its really good maybe suited more for the big room floors? Only time will tell, one thing is for certain you will be hearing this alot more in the coming months.

On the flip is a Samuel L Sessions remix which is a little shorter than the one mentioned above.Which is to be expected as Matt doesn't usually do a remix less than 10 Min's long!
SLS keeps alot more of the original and alot more of the piano, its a bit more Techno / Electro than stripped down and minimal.

Its a great remix package its out in December on Soma Quality Recordings so go out and buy it! Essential!


  1. Another banger from Matt Edwards! Perhaps we should start the Matt Edwards Appreciation Society between us!*!

  2. count me in. One of my favorite remixes of the year. simply wonderful. shame its' only 13 minutes.

  3. Yeah, im in! He's one of the most prolific english producer's if not the one!

    All hail sir Radio of slaveness

  4. This link aint working for me, can you rehost?

  5. It should be maybe you night need to update your browser.If its still not working il upload it tommorow.

  6. no still not working, its downloading as a document not ab mp3. Try sendspace, message me the link on myspace if you want?

  7. downloaded as a (big ass) .html for me, just renamed it to .mp3 and it was fine....
