Monday, September 03, 2007

New week and month

Hey all. I forgot to mention that I was going to be away during the weekend. Took the bus down to Malmö, and had an amazing ~2-day mini vacation.
We've received quite a few e-mails with new and interesting artists/producers who wish to have their music up here on RC. I'll try to throw some of it up tonight. Keep on sending stuff, it's great to see so much fresh talent!

No track now. Just a quick status update. With JBH away on his europe tour I'm going to try and post a bit more frequent. Might be tough though, since I will be working part-time and studying full-time...


  1. You can do it!

  2. You didn't do it

  3. vad gjorde du i malme? switch? :P


  4. nä, tog det bara lugnt och träffade en viss dam :)
