Tuesday, August 07, 2007


It turns out i have royally pissed off alot of labels and producers as most of the labels are out of bounds i wont be posting mp3's anymore after all its the music were supporting right ? i have even been told that link's i posted affected direct sales on certain mp3's ! Now this makes me feel awful. So instead i will be putting the tracks up to listen to that way you can make your own mind up in whether or not you want to go out and purchase the record.


  1. Anonymous14:03

    That's sad! Your blog has been great! It's their problem that they can't make good enough channels to buy music... Beatport won't accept my credit card, iTunes has DRM... No way I'm gonna buy music that way.

    Thanks for the great work! Will keep on reading your blog!

  2. Damn! That's a blow. Anyone in particular we should not be posting i.e. labels? Might be useful to know to avoid annoying them further!

  3. Rekids said it would be fine to post smaller bitrates but not high quality mp3's .

    Poker flat
    Get physical
    and a few smaller labels

    Are all no goes i think someone tipped them off as i recieved emails all on the same day.

    its a shame im looking for a way to post the music up so people can still listen to the music but wont be able to download, so if anyone knows of ways / sites where i can do that it will be most helpfull.

  4. Anonymous17:41

    Jesus man, you must have got a pretty big shock when you opened you inbox.

    If it's any consolation i've learned alot more about some obscure (to me anyway) acts using this blog, than just reading review sites that feature blatantly sycophant reviews loving up certain labels and hating on others.
    I bought several releases because of this blog alone that i would have never found otherwise.

    I think rekids are right with using smaller bitrates (96/128kbs), then peeps will still buy what they deem as real quality and pass up the nearly's / definatly not's.
    Simply put, beatport samples sound utterly shit, which can at times do more to put me off certain tracks and therefore certain artists, than turn me on to them.

    Lastly I must say you've great taste in tunes and i'll keep coming back for your charts.

  5. Anonymous18:37

    That's a bummer, dudes. Hopefully streaming still brings the punters in.

    Honestly, I wonder if I'm next. For safety sake I'm going anonymous on this one.

  6. Anonymous19:30

    Thanks for all the tunes. Nicely selected.

    I have to agree with Shodan's comment...I got turned onto a lot of lesser known artists through your site, and actually went and physically searched for certain records because of the MP3's posted here. I think if you really like a tune, enough to represent it in a DJ set, that you will want to support those artists.

    PLEASE PUBLISH THE ACTUAL EMAILS FROM SPECIFIC LABELS. I would be extremely interested to read them.

    Thanks again.

  7. Sorry mate i deleted them all after i read them, it was sort of automatic like i knew i had done wrong and wanted to get rid of all traces of it like it had not happened your not missing out on much it wasnt from nobody important just the monkeys who work behind the scenes.

    Thanks everybody its good to know we pointed you in the right direction ive spoke to skypher about it and he felt it coming im sure he will give his view on it all soon. In the meantime il post using imeem so you can hear the tracks then go out and buy if you like.

    cheers JBH

  8. wonderful to see all the supportive comments. thanks a ton! don't think we'll stop blogging though. more streams, mix sets, snippets and/or low quality files is probably the route to take.

    cheers all, much <3

  9. Anonymous22:28

    Your blog made me buy more music......

    I would hear something from an artist you blogged about and go buy everything they put out, then I would buy things that were on their same label.

    I am still going to come here on a daily basis. You have great taste in music. It was a good run!

  10. I have been discovering so much new cool music through mp3 blogs like this one, a great resource and inspiration. I´m making a living of producing / selling music myself and can understand why people are concerned about the "for free" aspect. On the other hand, there is just nothing nearly as convenient, comprehensive and exiting as the for free blog/web format. I´m sure with a bit of creativity, there will be a solution very soon which will make all sides benefit. looking forward!

  11. Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I spoke to you about this sort of thing in Ibiza.

    This blog is about music exposure. You have opend my eyes to so many new artist who i would have never knew about otherwise. In the long run im confident they have profited off vinyl sales, people hear the mp3's hear first then get the vinly when it comes out.

    Please keep posting mp3's... fuck the cooperate system, thats the true spirt of house.

  12. Anonymous05:39

    Hello there and thankyou for all your selections and work.
    I could ramble on for hours about this but will try and get it out quickly.
    First of all -is it not a strange idea to sell a mp3 file?
    A file is an inanimate object unlike vinyl/cds/cassettes/live concerts. Companies that sell Mp3s are selling shit quality data that you cannot feel or own in the traditional sense. The people who complain are always the established labels -there are very few labels who have anything new or original. ALL ELECTRONIC MUSIC IS DERIVITIVE. Tracks that were made in the seventies and earlier could easily be mistaken for things released this week.
    I dont think many people would buy these releases if they knew how easy is it to make them.
    Make any kind of noise you like of any kind -put a kick drum on. This can take under 5 minutes.
    I have personally made over 10 thousand tracks since i was 15. Nearly every single time i have watched anyone else make electronic stuff they seem to have very little understanding about what they are really doing. Part of that lack of understanding results in people sitting in front of some presets and programs millions of people have and then expecting payment. It's very sad you have had to stop.

  13. Anonymous06:10

    ...been an avid an loyal reader of your blog for some time. a thank you is way over due.

    i'm a 5-hour plane ride from new york, AHEM, an 11-hour plane ride from the nearest runway in europe. so, for the sake of argument, let's just say vinyl doesn't find its way to me very easily. sure, we've had decent record shops in the past few years, but they all seem to fade irrelevantly into bankruptcy. I'd like to think the problem is that these shops are mismanaged, but there is something to be said about fighting over the one and only copy of 'my bleep' 11-months after its release date.

    matt edwards is one of my modern day heros, and i mean no disrespect. its just painful to read playlist after playlist of new material that i won't see, well, maybe forever.

  14. Anonymous06:52

    Umm, i'd like to disagree with "OH DEAR"

    So you have made 10,000 tunes, you are either a cheat and you use pre made samples or you're just super talented and all us pro\s should give up our jobs and work in McDonnald's.

    I produce alot of music and am sucessful, one thing I have learnt is that slapping a track together in 3hrs and to say it's completed in that time is ignorance.

    Yes the inital idea can be layed in a short space of time, but even then it all comes down to creative juices. Getting the sou ds right, using the right kit and experimenting (all part of the creative process) takes alot of time. The mixdown takes days if you take you shit seriusly. Infact n average from start to end, it takes approx 1 week to one month to produce a great track.

    My ethos is to take time, no point in rushing things. And the knowledge needed to make a top track takes years of nurturing, studying, practicing and doing.

    So how can you say this is all put together like a 3 year old could do it? You listen to this music yet you make a comment like that?


    Some of the tracks i've heard here have been put together really well. Yes there could be improvements made, as always things can always be better.

    One question, have you ever used the kick drum to triger a gate on the bass to duck whenever the kick sounds? What about silent gate triggers for other instruments/sounds?

    You think that knowing these tricks are easily learnt by reasing books or pressing a utton on a computer?

  15. Anonymous06:52

    Umm, i'd like to disagree with "OH DEAR"

    So you have made 10,000 tunes, you are either a cheat and you use pre made samples or you're just super talented and all us pro\s should give up our jobs and work in McDonnald's.

    I produce alot of music and am sucessful, one thing I have learnt is that slapping a track together in 3hrs and to say it's completed in that time is ignorance.

    Yes the inital idea can be layed in a short space of time, but even then it all comes down to creative juices. Getting the sou ds right, using the right kit and experimenting (all part of the creative process) takes alot of time. The mixdown takes days if you take you shit seriusly. Infact n average from start to end, it takes approx 1 week to one month to produce a great track.

    My ethos is to take time, no point in rushing things. And the knowledge needed to make a top track takes years of nurturing, studying, practicing and doing.

    So how can you say this is all put together like a 3 year old could do it? You listen to this music yet you make a comment like that?


    Some of the tracks i've heard here have been put together really well. Yes there could be improvements made, as always things can always be better.

    One question, have you ever used the kick drum to triger a gate on the bass to duck whenever the kick sounds? What about silent gate triggers for other instruments/sounds?

    You think that knowing these tricks are easily learnt by reasing books or pressing a button on a computer? They take years and alot of practice to get things sounding right.
