My preciousss...
- Luke Vibert - Mate tron [EP, Planet mu]
- Tomas Andersson - Upwardly mobile [12, BPitch] (the B-side, "Ofullständiga rättigheter" is excellent as well!)
- Manasyt - Filthdonor [LP, Terminal dusk]
- Aux 88 - Global darkness [EP, Creme organization]
- John Dahlbäck - Years behind [12, Pickadoll]
- Cru - The ebonic plague [Track, Def Jam]
- Skoozbot - Next To Monchhichi [12, Plus 8]
- Ambivalent - R U OK Remixes [12, M_nus]
- Gabriel Ananda - Stream of conciousness [12, Karmarouge]
- Love supreme - Elsewhere [EP, Tirk]
- Ryan Davis - Up 1 [Track, ?] (blogged by 24:hours, gogo check it!)
Edit: Added Ryan Davis - Up 1. Love!
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