The beast known as 2007 is all over us and we can hardly breathe because of the crazy amount of good suffocating releases surging out. Here's a personal summary of the highlights of the year thus far (in no order as usual):
- Stephan Bodzin - Liebe ist... [Album, Herzblut]
- Gui Boratto - Chromophobia [Album, Kompakt]
- Pantha du prince - This bliss [Album, Dial]
- Anders Ilar - ABC [EP, Audio.nl]
- Anthony Rother - Moderntronic [EP, Datapunk]
- Aril Brikha - Winter [EP, Kompakt]
- Aril Brikha - Akire [EP, Poker flat]
- Damero - Happy in grey [Album, BPitch]
- Deceptikon - Greater cascadia [Album, Merck]
- Dominik Eulberg - Heimische gefilde [Album, Traum]
- Dungen - Tio bitar [Album, Subliminal sounds]
- E.R.P - Lament subrosa [Track, Frantic flowers]
- Elektrochemie - Mucky star [EP, Get physical]
- Ellen Allien & Apparat - Red planets [Track, BPitch]
- Familjen - Det snurrar i min skalle [Album, Adrian]
- The field - From here we go to sublime [Album, Kompakt]
- Hug - Heroes [Album, Kompakt]
- Kalabrese - Not the same shoes (feat kate wax) [Track, Stattmusik]
- Moonbeam - Eclipse [EP, Traum]
- Tomas Andersson - Mot matsalen [EP, BPitch]
- Zentex - Säkä [Track, Bloop]
- Shout out louds - Tonight I have to leave it (kleerup remix) [Track, n/a]
- Robyn - With every heartbeat (feat kleerup) (punks jump up remix) [Track, n/a]
- Surgeon - Whose bad hands are these (autechre remix) [Track, Dynamic tension]
- Salvatore Freda & Massimo Stefanelli - Endless ride to Honolulu [EP, Trapez]
- Paul Kalkbrenner - Der senat [Track, BPitch]
- Justice - B.E.A.T (extended) [Track, Ed banger]
Pick these up from your record dealer and be a happy human being.
Damn, you guys are killin' it @ the moment. Always my No. 1 check of blogs on a daily basis. Cheers for the heads up on that Villalobos mix of Shackleton, just got my copy this morning! Record of the year already for me!*!