This weekend is going to be a good one for a start its my birthday on saturday & im going to see dirt crew do there stuff in leeds. Also you happen to be in luck as i keep getting emails telling me i need to delete some files for drive space.So i will be posting a few tracks to share in the coming week instead of deleting them.So its wmc week in miami do people really care anymore? theres been alot of bad press about miami over here about badly organised nights expensive entry prices over heavy security etc.Il give it a miss thankyou & go for sonar instead in june the line up looks very tasty indeed, anyway on with the music.
Israel vich - "el cuco" -{aribica recordings} - i know very little on this artist it was one of them "one of specials" found on beatport has that chilean " wood block /timbale " vibe.
Next is a track "ne contsom a coltsom" taken from a highly underated compilation from {kompakt} "the line of nine" from Scsi-9 has to be one of my favourite albums from last year full of ambient electronica beautifull and chilled vibes with a splash of tech here & there. Scsi-9 are a duo from russia they have just released another album for 2007 which i would also highly reccomend.
Finally is a unreleased Britney spears "Breathe on me".... remixed by james holden. Had you worried for a while there didnt i.Bet you thought id gone mad and shaved all my hair off, this criminaly never got a proper release she refused holdens remixes so he very kindly put it up on his website for people to download back in 2004, the dub which im giving you is a swirly journey into typical james holden wonderland.